Sport GVP Program
Sport GVP or “Prevention of Gender-Based Violence in and Through Sport”, is a comprehensive program that strives to address and prevent gender-based violence in sport!
The “Sport GVP” project aims to contribute to the prevention and handling of gender-based violence in and through sports.
The project implemented in S.Macedonia, Greece, Cyprus, Denmark and Italy includes a structured set of activities that want to generate knowledge and data about the prevalence and forms of gender-based violence in sports in the countries where the project is implemented and the search for solutions how to prevent and deal with violence.
More information about the project can be found at
Partners in the project together with TAKT are: EDEX – Educational Excellence Corporation Limited, Cyprus, ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association, Denmark, CESIE, Italy, KMOP – Education & Innovation Hub, Greece, and CARDET – Center for the Advancement of Research in Educational Technology Ltd, Cyprus.
The project is supported by Erasmus+ Sport Cooperation Partnerships
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